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  • 为更好地介绍南洋商业银行(中国)有限公司可为境外来华人员提供的各项支付相关的服务,特制作本指南。
    This Guide has been formulated to better introduce various payment-related services that NANYANG COMMERCIAL BANK (CHINA) LTD. (“our bank”) can provide for foreign visitors to China.
      一、 开立账户(Opening a Bank Account)
    You can apply for opening a bank account with your passport or other valid identification documents at our bank outlets. Valid identification documents include: Passport, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Resident, Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Resident, People’s Republic of China Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card, Mainland Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Resident, Mainland Residence Permit for Taiwan Resident, and other identification documents required by laws and administrative regulations. Please consult the staff at our bank outlet for more details.
    With the account, you can enjoy a variety of financial services (such as deposit and withdrawal of both RMB and foreign currencies, foreign currency purchase and sale, domestic transfer and cross-border remittance, foreign currency exchange, and making payments.)
      二、 现钞兑换(Currency Exchange)
    You can exchange cash at our bank outlets with currency exchange signs. Please consult the staff for currencies available.
      三、 外卡取现(Cash withdrawal)
    You can withdraw RMB cash by your bank card with UnionPay logo at our ATMs.
    You can also call our customer service hotline (Telephone No.95327) or visit our official website (www.ncbchina.cn) for more details.